About PositiveFaith & CAPS
PositiveFaith is the main ministry of Catholics for AIDS Prevention and Support (CAPS).
PositiveFaith creates a community of empowered people living with and affected by HIV, who support & encourage each other to live well.
We include PLWH of all faiths and none, gay and heterosexual, black & white. Each person is welcomed and accepted as you are.
We meet together in peer support groups and to enjoy different activities together. In every group we share our experiences, share food, and encourage each other.
For people who have christian faith we support and encourage Adult Faith development in some of our groups.
Many of the PositiveFaith members give talks or attend conferences in this country and internationally.
Registered Charity Number 1196193
Catholics for AIDS Prevention & Support is a Passionist ministry in Britain and Ireland promoting HIV prevention and support. We aim to be a voice in the church for people living with HIV/AIDS and a Christian voice in the world of HIV/AIDS.
Bishop Christopher Chessun, Most Rev. Timothy Radcliffe, OP, Robert Calderisi, The Christie-Davies Family
Lazarus Mungure (Chair), David Christie-Davies, Adela Butetsi Senkubuge, Tyrone Allee, John Thornhill, Rev Christopher Joseph Howard STB
Dr Vincent Manning
Professor Jim McManus, Vicky Morris
4, Thring House, Stockwell Road, London SW9 9EU, United Kingdom