Supporting You on Your Journey with HIV

Whether you're newly diagnosed or have lived with HIV for some time, we're here to support you with resources to help you live well—covering practical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

  • Start with Our Living with HIV Series

    If you are new to PositiveFaith, we recommend starting with our Living with HIV video series. In these videos, some of our members share the questions and concerns they had when first diagnosed, as well as how they have learned to live well with HIV. The series covers practical advice, personal stories, and insights to help guide you.

  • Explore the Intersection of HIV and Faith

    For those who identify as spiritual or religious—like 70% of people living with HIV in the UK today—our HIV & Faith Matters series can offer guidance. This series explores the relationship between faith and living with HIV, providing reflections and support for navigating your spiritual journey alongside your HIV diagnosis.

  • Discover More with Our Resource Library

    Our Resource Library is a searchable index of all PositiveFaith’s materials, including poems, prayers, videos, and more. Whether you are looking for spiritual reflection, educational videos, or community support, this index will help you quickly find what you need. Simply type a keyword or topic into the search bar to access a wealth of information designed to help you in every aspect of living with HIV.


Talking about your feelings and listening to the experience of others is one of the best ways to discover how to live well with HIV.

You will make new friends who understand what you are going through and who will support you. Over time, the anxiety that you have will get less, and you will find that you are helped to accept the situation. You will find support so that you can move on with your life.

Positive Faith Support

We offer free, confidential support to people living with HIV and their loved ones and aim to respond within 72 hours. For urgent support, we recommend calling the THT Direct helpline.