A Passionist Ministry with Passionate Members
A Passionist Ministry with Passionate Members
CAPS has benefited from an historically close relationship with the Congregation of the Passion religious order (The Passionists). CAPS delegates attended the annual Passionist Partners gathering at Minsteracres in September, where the future of social justice charities supported by The Passionists was discussed ahead of the Congregation’s upcoming 2025 Chapter.
We were most grateful that Fr Martin Newell CP accompanied members for our annual summer retreat weekend at Douai. 24 PLWH and some children enjoyed three days of prayer and fellowship. To have a priest who is willing to listen to the members’ experiences and preside at our shared Eucharist is a gift of service that we value highly.
The Chair & Trustees were delighted to welcome another Passionist priest, Fr. John Friel CP for their planning weekend meeting also at Douai Abbey in September. In his feedback Fr John was impressed by the commitment and dedication of CAPS activists. Hearing the accounts of PLWH with complex needs who have been supported by CAPS he remarked that the PositiveFaith ministry should be more widely known.
CAPS has continued to host the Community of the Passion South in-person meetings at The Old Laundry community centre in Stockwell, London.