CAPS Activists – A voice for PLWH in the Church

CAPS Activists – A voice for PLWH in the Church


Cardinal Vincent Nichols presided at one of the twice monthly celebrations of Mass, on October 8th, at the Jesuit Church in Farm Street, London, where a particular welcome is extended to LGBT people. CAPS activist volunteers Alberto and Rosie met with Cardinal Nichols during the after Mass social gathering and kept him informed about CAPS’ ministry undertaken on behalf of the whole church.

The Archbishop of Southwark John Wilson, who became CAPS’ patron in 2022 met with a CAPS delegation in May, to mark the 20th anniversary of CAPS’ peer support ministry, Positive Faith. Attendees included Lazarus Mungure, Chair of CAPS, Dr Vincent Manning, Director, Abigail Chakanyuka, Pastoral Support Worker and Tyrone Allee, Trustee, who shared personal experiences and highlighted the importance of faith for PLWH. Archbishop John listened attentively and asked questions "The support offered through CAPS bears witness to the Gospel imperative to love each other with the love of Christ” said Archbishop Wilson. “I am encouraged by the stories of adult discipleship, Christian service and witness that I have heard. There is much that we can learn from a ministry rooted in the Gospel which challenges everyone and excludes no one.”.

Pastoral Support Worker Abigail Chakanyuka and CAPS Chairperson, Lazarus Mungure promoted Positive Faith at the Spirit Unbounded in Bristol in October. Organised by the lay-led Root & Branch movement, the conference which also had linked-sessions running in Rome, coincided with the official Church Synod on Synodality.

As a Passionist Ministry CAPS Trustees and members value our relationships with the Congregation of the Passion and the wider Passionist family in the UK and around the world. CAPS volunteers Charity and Alice represented CAPS and the Positive Faith Manchester community at the annual gathering of Passionist partners charities, Sept. 11th-13th, at Minsteracres Retreat Centre, Northumberland. CAPS Director Vincent Manning was CAPS delegate at the Passionist symposium, ‘Contemplating the Passion’ also at Minsteracres, attended by Passionist clergy and laity from across Europe, September 25th – 29th.


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