CAPS Chair & Activists Meet for Tea with (Cardinal designate) Timothy Radcliffe OP

CAPS Chair & Activists Meet for Tea with (Cardinal designate) Timothy Radcliffe OP


CAPS Chair Lazarus Mungure led a small delegation of CAPS activists to join Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP at Blackfriars, Oxford, for tea and cake in April. Timothy has been a Patron of CAPS for over a decade. The group were able to update him on the challenges that the members of PositiveFaith face. Increasingly, refugee and migrant PLWH have joined our PositiveFaith community. We discussed the accumulated trauma(s) of those fleeing war or seeking asylum because of harsh anti-gay legislation in their home countries, and the ways in which CAPS offers support. Although Fr Timothy was unable to attend our 2023 Symposium(s) on Faith & HIV in person, Lazarus was able to thank him for the video message that he sent and his emphasis on friendship & inclusion which delegates appreciated. The Synod on Synodality was another topic for discussion and the group were able to thank Timothy for mentioning the significance of the AIDS pandemic at the first synod gathering in Rome, October 2023.

CAPS trustees and PositiveFaith members are proud and delighted to learn that Pope Francis is to elevate Fr Timothy to the College of Cardinals at a consistory on December 8th this year. This is very well-deserved recognition of Timothy’s sensitive teaching and wise prophetic leadership in the Church over a lifetime. We offer him our congratulations! We are so proud to call him our Patron and our friend.


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