Amy Hopkins Amy Hopkins


Listening for a Vigilant and Vulnerable Church - What happens to me, to us and our Church when we attentively listen? CAPS Director, Vincent Manning gave a presentation on listening to PLWH to twenty scholars, clergy and practitioners, from across the UK, Ireland and the US. Other topics included listening to survivors of sexual abuse, women, young adults and transgender persons. The symposium was the first such event of the Centre for Ecclesial Ethics at the Margaret Beaufort Institute, Cambridge. In view of the ongoing Synodal Process within the Roman Catholic Church the aim was to reflect upon the ecclesiological and ethical implications of attentive listening for a vigilant and vulnerable Church.

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Amy Hopkins Amy Hopkins

A new way of Being Church: CAPS & ‘The Passionists’

The Community of the Passion is a dispersed community of women and men finding together a new way of being ‘Passionist’ in this country. Inspired by the example of Jesus in His Passion, each member is committed to action and practical solidarity with and for ‘the crucified of today’ in their daily lives. Drawing from the traditions of and supported by the religious order ‘The Passionists’ who first came to England in the 19th century, this new way of being Passionist was also inspired by PLWH in the CAPS’ Positive Faith ministry.

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Nadine Cameron Nadine Cameron

Peer Support Meetings

Peer Support Groups in the UK - There are a total of five groups in the UK with 6 regular meetings per month and additional meetings of varied frequency. Most meetings take place face-to-face, but the PositiveFaith London group also meets online once a month.

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Amy Hopkins Amy Hopkins

Focus on Peer Support & Pastoral Care

Sharing Food - Eating well & good nutrition is really important for PLWH. Before the current ‘cost of living crisis’ we have always understood the value of a good meal and a warm place to be for many of our members. A free meal is a part of any of our meetings. This is also central to our Christian faith. As a real act of welcome sharing food builds the body and the sense of community.

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